Saturday, February 28, 2009

Notes of Appreciation.

: cupcakes chic, big apple donuts, birthday card n letter, lfc key-chain, theatre ticket :

Dear Charlie & Ryzal...
THANK YOU SO MUCH for those wonderful gifts.
I felt so happy to have received the gifts and not to forget the 'unwelcome' surprise arrangement from you guys. (siap kene keja lg ngan my chechen roomate)
I really2 do appreciate them.
Seriously. Korang sangat sporting n best! =)

p/s: bliv it or not. i dpt abeskn all the cupcakes n donuts dlm skali mkn je! x makan diner tros mlm tu.. ;P

Friday, February 20, 2009

Mixed Feelings

20th Feb 2009.
Inaz had flew to Australia.
Chasing her dream of becoming the future biotechnologist.
I feel happy for her. I really do.
I wish her the best and will keep praying for her success.

May you will always be in good health and happy with your friends there inaz.
I couldn't tell how much I am gonna miss you..
Take care always my dear inaz~

-miniconvo 2007-

"We're meant to lose the people we love,
how else would we know how important they are to us."

Thursday, February 19, 2009


esok exam ict. tp aku nk curi mase kejap je nk btau satu cite yg agak memeranjatkn aku n menyakitkn jiwa aku.

my mum texted me petang td... "hafiq..plz balik tonite. mama nk mintak tlg sket frm u.."
aku mmg xde plan lgsg nk blk arini since i hv exam tomorow.. bt since my mum dh ckp cemtu, aku blk la gak..ssmpai je umah. tensen melanda..jerit2 bg salam tp xde org dengar. aku expect mereka menantikn kepulanganku di rumah setelah sekian lame aku x blk. last2 aku cal abg aku suro bkk pintu..

then i go straight into my mum's room, n dengan penuh keihlasan menanya mamaku,
"mama nk mintak angah tlg buat ape ma?"
then she answered, "mama dpt surat dr universiti."
(huh!!) mse tu aku dh mula t'tnya2 surat ape sbnanye yg smpai..mase tu my dad pn ade dlm bilik. kemudian mama tnjuk kt sepucuk surat atas meja. lalu aku pn amek n tros bukak.

aku tros bce n t'tnye2 lectrer mane yg issue warning letter tu..its from my ungs lecturer. Subjek ISLAM,KNOWLEDGE & CIVILISATION.
lalu aku tergelak bile tau warning letter tu is frm him..wakakaka! y??
bcuz aku bru je x dtg kls tu 2 kali..!! no kidding! bru twice times aku ponteng. tgk2 dh dpt warning letter tu..wut da hell kn?

tp my dad ttbe marah.
"npe awak senyum??! this is a serious matter!! cube awak cite sket ape awak dh buat smpai dpt warning letter ni!! abah n mama malu tau x!!"
huh.aku rse agak tertekan bile die marah2 cemtu..i didnt agree he got mad at me..he shud asked for my explaination 1st before he can marah2 at me..hurmm. bt lame2 bile die dh dgr my explaination n everything about diz warning letter, die cool down balik.

i only absent for two times n yet my lecturer nk issue warning..let me tel u a little bit about d absenteesm rules kt uia nih..student must meet the 80% attendance requirement for every semester. If failed to do so, students will be barred from sitting the final exam..
hah.80% okay! aku bru absent 2x out of mayb 18 classes. lik bru 11.1% of absent. erghh! mmg aku akan g jmpe lecturer aku tu n tnye die npe die issue warning letter ni. oh btw, my lecturer is from Nigeria. hmm. last sem pn aku ade 'problem' ngan lecturer aku frm da same country gak. bkn aku nk naikkn issue racism ke ape, bt hal ni buat aku rse geram ngan mereka. mcm x gv consideration lgsg kt student. i've been treated unfairly in this situation. huh!

anway. aku xnk pkir lg psl bnde ni..geram gile. bt elemen kelaka pn ade..cuz x sgke dpt warning sbbkn 2x je x g kelas..weird sgt pd aku. kn? =P
tu je sdkt penceritaan psl "My 1st Warning Letter."
now. continue study! thanx for reading. =)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thanks A Million!

Tips on how to spend a great time with your friends during weekend..
  • Go have a nice picnic together at Taman Tasik Perdana.
  • Then, altogether, go to UIA PJ to give support to one of your friend in 'tarik-tali' event. *please ensure you seat separately- brothers with brothers and sisters with sisters. x)
  • In the case of hot-sunny-day, head towards Jaya One to seek 'shelter' and ask your friend who are about to fly to aussie to belanja u drinks.
  • After that, shake hands with your friends, wish goodbye and go straight back home.
  • Say THANKS! to them afterward.

(Please do not misinterpret the message. Parental advisory is required)

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to my friends-
peja,hana,inaz,dane,duani,naif,hariff, n khalid
- who had brought happiness to my weekend. A special thanks also conveyed to my besties, Hafizah n Hannah (the 'H' duo), who had arranged the picnic plan and everything. Credit to them. =) And lastly, I would like to utter my deepest gratitude to Syafinaz who had offered us a special afternoon retreat at Secret Recipe, Jaya One. We had really indulged ourselves with variety of thirst-quenching drinks & 3 different selections of cakes. I like chocolate banana the most! Everything was sponsored by inaz..Thanks ya! ;)

All in all, I really felt thankful to all of you for the great weekend that we just had. Jangan segan2 tuk plan cemni lagi next time..hehe.

And what's next?
As I go back to hostel...
Mid-sem exams+assignments+multiple college's tasks. huh.
I had enough rest,enough sleep,and enough time with my friends already during the weekend.
Thus, I believe, I'm all geared up for the busy and tough week ahead.
It will be tiring and depressing. I know.
But that's a norm in a student's life isn't it?
I pray to Allah,
May He gives me the strength to carry on with my responsibilities.
I'm going all out this coming week...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


-HAFIQ's cupcakes-

I want to express my deepest gratitude to my mama, abah n along who had arranged a simple yet so sweet, birthday celebration for me tonite...
I had already expected a dinner with them, but the cupcakes really surprised me..! sriusly.
N guess wut? I ate 7 of them already...n still counting..ermm~~ yummy! hehehe. They have brightened up my day!
Thank you mama.Thank you abah.Thank you along. =)

Moving On...Striving Ahead...

In times of great stress and adversity,
it's always best to keep busy,
to plough your anger and energy into something

-4th February 2009 (20 years & 1 day older)-
I wish to become a stronger person. Physically & mentally.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

3rd February 2009...Happy Birthday Me.

On my 20th birthday..

3rd February 2009

Hari ni,
Umur aku genap 20 tahun. 20 is a BIG number woo! Macam x caye je. :0 Rse cam bru je smlm aku blk dr skola rndah, mak amek n then bawak g mkn kfc..uuuu. Trase diri dh berusia. ("Dh besar rupenye aku ni") hurmm. Xnak 20 lg sbenanye. Nk stick ngan 19 lagi. Tp tpkse gak r terima realiti yg usia ni dh meningkat. Dh xde lagi belas-belas. Skan nk sebut umur kne ade 'puluh'. =l Cepatnye mase blalu kn.

Hari ni,
Pada saat ni, aku ade kt uia gombak. X balik. Malas! cuz esok still ade kelas. Aku tlh pn buat sgale preparation tuk menyambut kedatangan hari ini. Nothin special. Party sorg je. None was invited. =P N for my own pleasure, I mke sure my room is neat n clean, foods n drinks r ready,n broadband is available for me to surf internet n write diz post. N alhamdulillah. All preparations were 'parfait' ! Mayb ni la 1st time aku experience smbut bday sorg2 kut. Its sumthn new for me, being in single life. ahahah. Pffft~ Im still adapting to it. I have to, anyway. =T oh. aha. lupe. I also hv my own present which i bought for myself for today's occasion. Its a quik wallet. Dh lame ku mengimpikan bnde ni. Jadi aku tros mmbli satu utk adiah diri sdri. huhuhu. I noe ppl might call me pathetic for duin all these stuff. bt hey, lik i care! blablabla~ Bak kate org2 kedah, "lntak pi la org nk kata apa, jnji puas ati". Btoi x? ;P

All n all. I feel grateful to Allah dat i hv reached 20 years of age. Syukur kehadrat Ilahi krn telah memanjangkan lagi usiaku. Alhamdulillah. N also, im satisfied n im happyy sgt3 with my 'self-celebrated birthday party celebration'. For today, i hv learned that, one way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as a challenge n adventure. Our life has its ups n downs..

Lastly. Happy 20th birthday to me! hee. Peace to all! =)

d room, d potato bun, d ice lemon tea, d cadbury choc, n d self-bought birthday present...
everything seemed just nice to make myself happy. ",

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Facts On Rugby.

henry blaha


Rugby is a free-flowing game that features a combination of strength, speed and strategy to move a ball into an opponents territory. Rugby is a full-contact sport yet players wear little-or no protective gear. Rugby evolved from football (i.e. soccer) and is often called the ‘game played in heaven’.

The game of football which was played at Rugby School between 1750 and 1823 permitted handling of the ball, but no-one was allowed to run with it in their hands towards the opposition's goal. There was no fixed limit to the number of players per side and sometimes there were hundreds taking part in a kind of enormous rolling maul. The innovation of running with the ball was introduced some time between 1820 and 1830. William Webb Ellis has been credited with breaking the local rules by running forwards with the ball in a game in 1823. Shortly after this the Victorian mind turned to establishing written rules for the sports which had earlier just involved local agreements, and boys from Rugby School produced the first written rules for their version of the sport in 1845.


There are 4 ways in which a team may score points in rugby:
  • Try - Five points when the ball is touched to the ground (”grounded”) in the opponents end zone.
  • Conversion - Two points for a kick through the uprights after a try is scored. The kick is taken on a line (parallel to the touch-line) which passes through the place where the ball was grounded. Thus, grounding the ball “between the posts” makes for an easier conversion attempt than if the ball is grounded near the side-line.
  • Drop Goal - Three points for ‘drop kicking’ the ball through the opponent’s uprights at anytime during play.
  • Penalty Kick - Three points for place-kicking the ball through the opponent’s uprights following an infraction by the opposition. Penalty kicks must be taken from the point of the infraction.


1. Prop
2. Hooker
3. Prop
(All the front row of the scrum)

4. & 5. Lock forward
(second row of the scrum)

6. & 7. Flankers

8. Number 8 - usually the first link to the backs

9. Scrum Half

10. Fly Half

11. & 14. Wingers

12. & 13. Centers

15. Full back

-end of part 1-

*to be continued later...