Saturday, February 28, 2009

Notes of Appreciation.

: cupcakes chic, big apple donuts, birthday card n letter, lfc key-chain, theatre ticket :

Dear Charlie & Ryzal...
THANK YOU SO MUCH for those wonderful gifts.
I felt so happy to have received the gifts and not to forget the 'unwelcome' surprise arrangement from you guys. (siap kene keja lg ngan my chechen roomate)
I really2 do appreciate them.
Seriously. Korang sangat sporting n best! =)

p/s: bliv it or not. i dpt abeskn all the cupcakes n donuts dlm skali mkn je! x makan diner tros mlm tu.. ;P


RyZ4L said...

so sweet.
anyhow~ it is from d btm of our heart ;) glad dat u luv it..fuuhh~~
sekali makan je? wah wah! kiteorang maseh dinner lagi..arghh..patot la kami lagi gumuk!! :p

WeN said...

ahahaha. i tot bile dpt mkn abes tu blehla membesar keesokannye. bt nmpk gayenye teori i x btol..still kecik cemni gak.. xP

Ad Lee said...

good things come in small sizes. hihihih :)