Thursday, December 25, 2008


1. Arini blk umah.Kames cuti krismas.Jumaat xde klas.Isnn cuti awal muharam.So nk rehat puas2 di umah smpai isnin.Penat.

2. Permulaan semester baru yg gile 'hectic'.Jadual kelas sgt padat (19 credit hour).Meeting Sports Carnival yg x sudah2.Tugasan mrc yg x abes2.Dpt lepak kt bilik skali skale je.Balik bilik hanye utk mndi,solat n tdo.Hanye trenin ptg2 di pdg rgbi dpt menenangkn kekusutan fikiran.Penat.

3.At da moment.Xde plan nk kua.Tgu rakan2 caling je.Klu xde,mls kot nk kua mmane.Penat.

4.Hurmmmmmm.Dh xtau nk ckp ape lg.Fikir nk tdo je ni.Gile ngntok.Gile penaaaaaaaaaat!


Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Gunners VS The Reds

Match Facts :
  • Emirates Stadium , Arsenal
  • Sunday, 21/12/2008
  • 11.55pm (GMT +8:00)
  • Live at channel 812

Team Facts :

The Gunners

  • Currently 5th in the league table.
  • They have beaten MU and Chelsea already this season.
  • Their defence looks quite weak at times.
  • They have not really looked assured in their approach to games this season.
  • They might be out of the "Big Four" at the end of the season. - Pundit

The Reds

  • Currently at the TOP of the league table.
  • They, too, have beaten MU and Chelsea this season.
  • They have problem on attacking play. Defense and center are marvellous at the moment!
  • The players have all the confidence and anxiety to win the BPL title this season.
  • They are said to be the title contender by most managers in the league.
I want Liverpool to win the match and the league title in May. I really want them to break the hoodoo of not winning the league championship for so long, and I dont want MU to equal Liverpool's record of 18 league titles either. heheh.

So I think The Reds will need to take 3 points from this one to keep up their challenge at the top of the table.

My Prediction : Arsenal 0-2 Liverpool


Friday, December 19, 2008



Ceritanye bermula pabila sy dpt tawaran biasiswa drp JPA. Mase tu sy sgt2 hepi gile tenuk. Mmg x tkate hepinye. Mane x nye, dat is sumting im longin for since masok UIA lg. (no back door eh..plz) I worked hard for d scholarship..Siyesly, sy bsyukur sgt.

Bbrpe ari lps tu, sy dipanggil tuk intrvw UEM scholarship plak..Aduih.Rse dh mls sbnanye nk pegi mse tu. Bt my mum insisted me to go. "Ala, pegi je hafiq..Juz gv a shot," my mum kate. So, sy pn pegi la gak. Tuptup.Sbulan lps tu, sy dpt call..Sy bjaye intrvw tu. N UEM offered me their scholarship also. =I
I was a bit surprised n happy to hear da news. Though, it has caused me headache cuz i hv to pick 1 offer only. Its either JPA or UEM. Klu bleh sy nk both la kn!! haha.

Sy kne lalui mcm2 dugaan gak r sblm bleh decide mane 1 nk pilih. Mmg x sng dduk.Asyik duk tpikir psl scholarship je lately.Kekadang tensi melande. Yea.It was da toughest decision dat i hv to mke in my life so far.(klu dpt 1 offer pn dh ckop act.Ni dpt 2, kne PILIH slh 1.Wat penin kpale act. Haihhh~) It involves my future.So dats y sy kne pkir btol2 n masak2 sblm bleh wat decision. Sy mntk pndapat frm kwn2,cousins,uncle2,auntie2,n ofcoz, my parents. Results,i got mixed perceptions n views frm them. Ade yg kate uem is better, n ade yg kate jpa. Mcm2 pandangan la deran bg. I was juz askin for their views, so i cn get a clear n better picture of da pros n cons of each offer. Bt ape2 pn, da decision is mine n im da only person who cn gv d final word.

After pkir masak2, sy decided to remain wif JPA... ", Ive made up my mind. I prefer JPA rather than UEM. So..dats it! My final decision is. I'l take JPA, forget about UEM. No regret. Smoge Allah memberkati keputusan sy ni. Amin..

I wud like to thanx those who had helped me in giving their advices n views..I realy2 appreciate ur help guys. Sy terhutang budi ngan mrk. =)

My parents - abah n mama (ade mase kami bertikam lidah gak kkdg)
Kawan2- hafizah,syahirah,hana,inaz,dane,sinkai,zaim.
Sepupu2- abg firdaus,abg joe,kak syu,kaklong hidayah,comel.
Uncle n auntie- (rmai sgt r part ni..xcukup ruang nk sebut sume.heh)
N sume yg mungkin sy lupe nk sebut name..(soryyy sgt)

p/s: duet scholar dh msok..jom teman shopin nk? hihi. spe nk bg name kt sy eh. ;P

-the end-

Alhamdulillah.Sgalenye dh settle. Sy lebih tenang n relax sket skan ni. Masalah scholarship is over! Forget about UEM. Im now a JPA scholar.. =)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Alhamdulillah. *relieved

Event : The 14th Asean University Games 2008 Opening Ceremony
Date : 13 December 2008
Time : 8.30 pm
Venue : National Stadium Bukit Jalil

Glad to be part of the superbly grand ceremony.
Glad everything was under control for Mahallah Ali's group.
Glad to have fulfilled my tasks.
Glad it is over.
Alhamdulillah. *relieved

Friday, December 12, 2008

Rebutia Camp. =))

halu ppl.
Sy nk share wif u, my memorable experience at Rebutia Camp in Batu 12 3/4, Gombak. (agak klaka name tmpt die bt BEST!)

Smalam, 12dis, sy attend induction course utk MRC cum commtee members of IIUM Sports Carnival which will be held on early jan next year. Event 2 hari. (1 day kt Rebutia Camp n 1 day kt dlm campus) D targetted participants was 100 studs, bt yg dtg hanyela 66 studs (52 sisters, 14 brothers) Gle sket bro yg dtg. So we all 14 org bro duk dlm 1 grup je. Ni la 1 mslh ble nk organize event kt U ni, ssh nk dpt full attendance of participants. hurmm. Dats a norm.I gez.

Sy bgn awal smlm. Kul 6.30am. Dh siap, tros grk uia. Arahan suro sume kumpul kt tgge bsr kul 7.30am n bas dijadualkn btolak kul 8am. Sume participants dh siap kumpul pd jam 7.15am n kami btolak tepat jam 8am. pffffttttt~ angan jela tu. Kul 10 bru bas btolak! Sume lembab gle babun. Pnt nunggu.

Ssmpai je kt camp, ktrg tros mkn bfast. My 1st impression. BORINGGGGG.
1st actvty.Bese r. Ice breaking.Actvty ni mmg agak bosan.Siap kne dende ketuk ketampi la, nyanyi la, wat bulatan la.Siyes rse cam bdk tadika. huh.

After dat, brothers n sisters were separated. Deran g wat jungle trekkin, we all guys wat "High Rope n Flying Fox." Dat was d time i started to get excited n energized..haha. Its not dat i jakun xpnh wat flying fox ke ape. But I juz luv to do diz kind of outdoor actvities. Its challengin n adventurous. I was soooo thrilled! ;)
N u noe wut. Sume actvt2 kt Rebutia Camp ni agak blainan frm d previous camps dat i had attended. It was much more exciting n challengin diz time. Below ere, i show u some of da pics. Check them out!

This is d starting point. Startin mmg sng2 je laluan die, bt makin jaoh jln, makin susah haluan die. Sblm ktrg strt actvt ni, fasi dh bg taklimat n tnjuk sgale langkah2 safety to cmplete d actvt. N deran dh gv assurance dat sume gear,tali,titi n everythng r safe.So, ape lg yg nk dicuakkn aite? Redah jela. hehe

Diz is one of da obstacles. Agak goyang gak act mase ni..
Siyes tggi gler. Plus, ade bnyk semut api kt pokok2 sume. Adeihh~~

Dh lepas settle sume halangan, we reached at d final stunt. D flying fox! Dat was not my 1st time.I hv done it b4. But still. Sy rse gementar gle kot..Tinggiiiiii. bismilah gakla sblm bleh trjun tu. huhu.

Pas abes High Rope n Flying Fox, we proceed to "tali gantung" game. (x ingt actual name game tu) X reti nk explain care maen die.Pndek kate, ade due tayar bsr.Setiap ahli grup kne swing frm 1 end to d other end.N sume mesti diri ssme ats tayar tu. Klu sspe jatuh,sume kne start blk dr awl.Sume stay rapat2 cam gay.heh.
Syok r game ni.Smpai tgolek2 kiterang.

Then, guys sume g smyg jmaat. Game was cntnued after smyg jmaat. At about 2.15pm, we all smpai smule ke camp n tros lunch. Next, "Jungle Tracking." Yeahh!

Kami mule bjalan pd kul 3pm. Jalan masok utan. Sume juz redy jela takot kne gigit lintah. uhh. Agak jaoh kami b'trekkin. Gle best n mncabar. Redah sungai,tanah lecak,ranting berduri(sorang luka kne duri),nyamuk,semut bsr n mcm2 lg r. Luckily, xde sorg pn yg kne gigit lintah or pacat...tahniah guys! ceit! Kami tiba ke destination dlm 43mnt kmudian..Mane? Air terjun sg.pisang. Smpai je situ, sume tros bkk kasut,bju,n terjun dlm sungai. Sjuuuuk air die.N sgt jernih.We spent about 20mins kt air trjun tu. Mndi puas2...!

Sume muke epy je. We all had njoyed to da max ah ble mndi situ. hmm.bes2. (harap maaf.gmba agak blur.sje xnk bg nmpk muke.CENSORED sket) ;p

Pas mndi, we all solat asar atas sungai..Mule2 sy sdri x caye ble fasi kate kite akn solat ats sungai. Bt since he's a hafiz, kite knela ikot n yakin. Part sujud is da toughest part of all. Air masok idung. perghhh. Sy selseme jap td.

Abes Jungle Tracking, we all blk ke camp n hv tea. Rehat jap then smbung blk actvt. Next game, "Titian Sirat". Sory no pic. Game ni pn bes gak. Kne bina titi gne 3 batang kayu tuk g ke seberang. N da last game was, "Buta Sempurna". Xde pic gak.Ade video je.InsyaAllah akan dipublished on Youtube. Dlm game tu, ade jd buta,bisu,n sempurna. Sy jd org buta. ",

Sume game abes ble dh mgrb.Pd sblh mlm plak, ade sdkt ucapan frm prgrm manager n director of Sports Carnival. Then we had BBQ dinner. Sedap yg amat! Pastu tros berangkat pulang ke uia. Induction cntnues 2mrw plak. At campus.

Hurmmm..Scare kseluruhannye, sy rse Rebutia Camp tu sgt cool n best. Penat.But enjoy gle. Odow it was only a 1 day event, but i get to learned many thngs n gained a lot of new experiences. Compliment to Poknik (camp manager) n all fasi; abg sham, din, n adek bdk skola. Fuhh..agk pjg sy bcrite. Dh ngntok sgt dh sbnanye ni. Esok pagi ade induction lg.Kne bgn awal lg.Haihhh. Smoge kte bjmpe lg. Time kaseh krn sudi mmbace.. :)

-the end-

Eh jap, juz 2 infrm,u may view mre pics of Rebutia Camp on my facebook or friendster page.bye!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Reds Update

Liverpool are in Holland for their final Champions League Group D fixture with PSV Eindhoven having already secured a place in the last 16 of the tournament. First place finish is still up for grabs and Liverpool go into the game level on points with Atletico Madrid.

My prediction : Liverpool 2-1 PSV Eindhoven

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Kentucky Fried Chicken

Elow there..!

In diz post, i will tell u how sux my day was..Yes. I went through a realy f**king boring day today!

I woke up at 3 pm since I stayed up las nite to watch liv's game...I regretted it actualy cuz liv didn't win!! The game had a goalless! They had lost da opportunity to widen the point gap with che..That's why im so frustrated now wif liv.

I had my lunch at 5pm..I only ate kentang goreng with telur mata.. I didnt eat outside cuz im lazy to drive. So i juz asked my maid to cooked them for me.

After maghrib, i waited for chimi to call me to go out for dinner. Tgu pnye tgu. Chimi x call2 gak. Smpai kul 8. So i contacted him. It came to my frustration when he said dat he was at danau kota. Maen snuker!? Huh! Fine..Then i started to find my friends yg laen to accompany me. There were several names dat i contacted. Hana, Seth(my cuzin), sheera(my gombak fren), kid, pamek, n ali.. N bliv it or not. Sume gagal menemani me.

Hana keje.Seth is at is home in rawang. Sheera x reply my msg lgsg. Pamek mule2 kate ok. Bt then die ade prob at home yg halang die tuk kua..Ali plak xleh lepak smpai lewat malam. Kid malas nk lepak jaoh2. (I wished somebody dpt jd penyelamat i..n i akn blnje die cuz die dh slamat kn hari i)

Aduihhh...All of my friends were not available for me.. I jd buntu gle. Tensi muncul kembali. So i decided to call mcd..Rase mls nk kua since xde org nk teman mkn. "helo nk wat pesanan.." n gez what da mcd guy answered..? "maaf ye cik..buat mase ini kami xdpt nk wat pghntaran di kawasan gombak.." wut da heck??!!! I btmbh tensi..prot dh lapar. Jam dh pkul 10.30pm...

In the end, i decided to go out to find food for dinner...I went to KFC..Cuz ive been longing for KFC!! ahah. I prayed dat KFC still bukak...So i drove my car to KFC....

I was quite relieved to c KFC is still open...yeahh! To c KFC is still open is d only thng dat makes my day! I smiled.. Sukenye ati mase tu..hahah. So i bought KFC...1 dinner plate n cheezy wedges...Take away.. Now they r served n r still yet to be eaten...

So i gez...i'l stop ere cuz dh lapar sgt prot ni..nk mkn my ayams...weee~
Now im happy but not quite happy...C u!

-End of Story-

A Big Flop..

Semalam rsult final exam kua..Diriku mmg x tau pon yg rsult kua smlm.
Ttbe je my friend, nazmi, call me around 8pm.

N: Helo wen, ko dh check rsult blom?
W: Result??Dh kua ke? Sial pe ko..Jgn nk cuak2kn aku plak nazmi..
N: Lar.Asal aku nk mmaen plak..Ko bkk r website klu x caye sgt. (mase ni diriku dh bdebar2)
W: Ok2. Aku check!
N: Eh, tlg check kn rsult aku skali. Aku kt camp ni. Ko tau td aku tnye syahir, die kate maths die trok.die bengang gle ngan waliu.kate nk maki2 je waliu. (huh!diriku lgla cuak ble dgr cemtu)
W: Ok r nazmi..nnt aku check kn rsult no matrik ngan password.
N: Ok2..ciao.

Slps itu, diriku cube menenangkn diri. Relax wen..Relax..huuuuh. Ku trus buke website uia.
then tros bkk access tuk check exam result..Ku mulekn dgn mengecheck rsult nazmi.
Wah! Agak bgos rsult die..N maths die pon not so bad. then ku tros msg kt nazmi..

Seterusnye, ku msokkn pula matrik no n password ku. Tgl nk click button submit query. Aduihh..Cuak gle nk tgk. Ku kuatkn smgt, n tros click.

3.421..itula CGPA yg ku dpt utk 1st sem ku di gombak. Amat menyedihkn . Ni la 1st time ku dpt cgpa less than 3.5.. Ni la 1st time ku x dpt dean's list.. Suggoh2 perit tuk ku terima rsult kali ni. Huuuuu~ Sedih gle wo!
Accounting la subjek yg plg trok! B-. Sbjek2 laen sume on target. Accounting je spoil. Ni mmbuatkn ku btmbh x suke kt accounting..urgh!

Right after that, ku tros msg hana.."hana, rasta?" Ku ajk teman2 ku lepak di rasta. Nk lepaskn sedih n tension. Ku call juge peja..Ajk lepak skali. Ktrg lepak rasta smlm kul 10. Sape yg ade? Wen,peja,hana,anne.. then mmber2 gombak pn dtg gak..farid,chimi n awin. Oh2. Btw.Sblom pegi rasta smlm, ku smpat g cc, print my result, sbb nk tnjuk kt peja n hana..heh.

Ktrg lepak kt rasta smpai kul 1 lebih..Ku story kn kesedihan ku thadap rsult ku yg trok tu. N mcm2 lg bnde yg diborakkn smlm..Masing2 story cerita derang. Mcm sharing moment gitu. Happy r. It was n enjoyful nite! Ku dh x tensi lps lepak ngan teman2. Thanx guys!! =))

Conclusion, ku tanamkn semangat to strive harder next semester.. I take this as a lesson.. I want to get a better result next sem..and I'l get back my Dean's List!!

Time kaseh krn sudi membace..Peace~! ;)

-End of Story-

Monday, December 1, 2008

A new beginning...

I hv created my own blog! A big WOW! Yeehaa to myself. hehehe.

DATE- 1/12/2008 TIME- 6.00am VENUE- mama's room

I'll mark this day as a new beginning in my cyber life as I will start to post my story, view, opinion,feeling, idea, etc, on any topics or issues to the web to be shared with others. To be frank, im not so good in this IT thing compared to my friends. (most of them r very3 advanced already. im d only 1 yg agak ketinggalan) So far, i only hv friendster n facebook account je (myspace..coming soon). And now only im starting to create my own blog. Em.Quite late i guess.But its never too late right? Its a huge n meaningful success to me. huahaha. Dats y i regard this as a new beginning in my cyber life! =))

Here is da story behind my sudden decision to create a blog..
It was 4.30am. I shut down my pc, turned da lights off, and tried to get a sleep.
But unfortunately, i was unable to sleep las nite. I just cannot sleep. And i hate it when i cannot sleep. I hv tried many ways to go to sleep, but none was effective. Reason? Cuz my mind keep thinking of a lot of things dat caused me get stressful n miserable. And blame the sleeping hormones also (or wutever u call it in scientific term) for not doing their job. huuhhh!! i get irritated wif myself ble rse nk tdo,tp xdpt nk tdo.tension sgt.

So.While i was forcing myself to sleep, the inspiration to create a blog came into my mind! All bcuz of dat stressful thinking dat was bothering me las nite. I juz want to speak out everythng that could hassle my life. That is basically da reason y i decided to start blogging.So..Here it is.I introduce u, my very own blog...! yayyyy! ;)

-End of story-

People..Im still new in blogging.Plz feel free to gv comment n feedback to me. I hope u njoy viewing my blog. Avoid stress.Speak out loud.All through a blog. hahah. Thank u!